Luxury Apartments Guildford
Durban, KwaZuluNatal
Design Team
Greg Hardie, Trevor Vernes
3D Illustrations
Trevor Vernes
Project Value
R11 million
Rezoning and Alterations and Additions to an existing Block of Flats to convert to Luxury Units with additional 4 Bedroom Penthouse Unit over - 7 Units. New Central Core with Lift and New Block of Flats to the North - 6 Luxury Units.
The Site falls within the AMAFA heritage zone, and the existing block is of Art Deco Heritage, proven to be a poor reference to Art Deco Architecture and in a bad state of disrepair. Permission was granted to add on in front of the existing façade to increase the unit sizes. In consultation with AMAFA and the Art Deco Society the preference was for us to stay with this style of Architecture to the street frontage.
Options shown reflect initial post modern style and then Art Deco as approved for Council Submission.
The Rear portion of the existing block and the New Block lean towards Modern whilst keeping with the Residential scale represented in the area.